Saint Mark Orthodox
Christian Church
Welcome to our parish website. I hope that through this website you will become better acquainted with our parish. It is our desire that together we become, make, and grow disciples of Jesus Christ by announcing His love for all mankind by inviting all into communion with Him through a life of worship, fellowship and service, in the context of community.
Whether you are curious about our community, would like to learn more about Orthodox Christianity, or are searching to find a spiritual home, you are always welcome to join us at St Mark Orthodox Christian Church.
~Father John Baker, Pastor
400 West Hamlin Road • Rochester Hills, Michigan • (248) 656-1630 •

"Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matt. 11:28)
Orthodox Christian Worship
The services of the Church are foundational to our life as Christians. Being the Body of Christ, we work to find every opportunity to connect our daily lives to Him.
You are invited to attend any of our divine services. Orthodox Christianity is more than a liturgical religion -but a liturgical way of life. Our parish community is a manifestation of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, founded on the day of Pentecost, which to this day, is a living and dynamic worshiping community which understands doctrine in the context of divine worship. Simply put, Orthodoxy, means right belief and right worship -for they are inseparable.
Come, open your heart, and you will hear the voice of the Holy Spirit Who has guided and been present in nearly 2,000 years of these services, teaching us how to worship God and enter more deeply into the relationship of salvation He has wrought for us. Welcome!